Accessori per l'installazione
Tubo Spiro 100mm 3m
Tubo Spiro per installazione deumidificatori Acetec EvoDry PD, PD+, PDX400, 6h e 6P.
733.75 SEK
Plastic wrap 2700x0,2mm 25m/rl
Plastic for plastering crawl space and edge beam in crawl spaces.
748.75 SEK
Schiuma spray Dana 750ml
Schiuma poliuretanica monocomponente, appositamente sviluppata per l'uso a temperature fino a –15°C. Aderisce e isola in modo eccellente.
98.75 SEK
Tappetino in cemento 2000x9x50m
Copertura in cemento per isolamento dell’intercapedine sotto il pavimento. 100m2
4,798.75 SEK
Coupling connector 100 mm galvanized
Coupling connector 100 mm galvanized for joining ventilation ducts when installing Acetec dehumidifiers
170.00 SEK
Coupling connector 80 mm galvanized
Coupling connector 80 mm galvanized for joining ventilation ducts when installing Acetec dehumidifiers
195.00 SEK
T-pipe 100-100 Galv
T-pipe 100-100 galvanized to distribute spiro channels when installing Acetec dehumidifier
512.50 SEK
Metal nail plug 5x22
Intended for mounting plaster joints mounting rules etc against concrete. An excellent complement to the nails.
1.25 SEK